Self Awareness

Mental Health Month is positioned to invite everyone to take stock of their mental status. A mental health checkup could lead to more tools in the toolbox that readers can use to improve their mental health and increase their resiliency regardless of their situation.

  Give yourself space to grow and set realistic goals for clients and patients. 

  • Take things slowly (you rarely need to rush when establishing and working towards goals.

  • Set manageable goals that are not too extreme or difficult to accomplish. 

    How to celebrate the little positive health successes? 

  • Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished rather than criticism for what you haven’t yet accomplished.

  • Give yourself little rewards that aren’t expensive or cause you to backslide in your efforts and accomplishments (i.e., carve out some time to go for a walk in the park to enjoy the spring flowers).  

What does the term "It is okay not to be okay." 

  • This reminds us that it’s ok not to be perfect or “completely together” because no one is. If you are feeling less than your best, acknowledge this and consider ways to recruit support for the changes you might want to make to feel better.  

What is the importance of Volunteering your time?

  • Volunteering allows us to do for others and, in so doing, puts our own situations into perspective.  It also allows us to feel very good about ourselves in giving to others.  

    A selection of resource outlets that offer ways to celebrate and explore mental health services.    

Peace of

Heads Up


National Alliance for Mental Health

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services