Back to School

It is never too early to start thinking about the upcoming school year. As parents, we want our children to have a successful and positive experience in school. The first day of school can be stressful for parents and children. Children may worry about making new friends or how they look in their new clothes. Parents may worry about whether their child will fit in with their new classmates or if their child will be bullied at school.

Remember that you don't need to wait until the first day of class to ask for help. Schools are open to address any concerns a parent or child might have, including the specific needs of a child, over the summer. The best time to get help might be one to two weeks before school opens if possible.

1. Before the first day, Take them to the new school or classroom. Many children get nervous about new situations, including changing to a new school, classroom, or teacher. It can be helpful to rehearse heading into a new situation.

2.     Remind your child that teachers know students may be nervous about the first day.

3.     If there are any things that make your child uncomfortable at school or at home, help them find ways to deal with these issues so they don’t become overwhelming and interfere with their ability to learn or enjoy being at school each day!  

4.     Encourage children to get enough sleep at night and nap when needed during the day.

5.     Provide fresh air and sunlight throughout the day (expand this practice by encouraging outdoor play).

6.     Teach coping strategies for dealing with stressors that may arise during the school year (e.g., bullying, divorce, etc.).

7.     Teach children how to handle their emotions in healthy ways (e.g., problem-solve when upset, and express feelings appropriately).

 8.     Model what you are teaching so that your children see you taking care of yourself the way you would like them to take care of themselves

9.      Encourage your child to talk about their feelings, especially if they are having trouble coping with something new or different in their lives.
